Je viens d’un pays qui n’a pas d’armée—d’ailleurs, nous avons célébré hier 59 années sans armée—et bien que je suis contre la violence qu’avoir une armée implique habituellement, je dois admettre que j’admire les établissements militaires. Après tout, beaucoup d’avances modernes sont malheureusement le résultat de la recherche qui d’abord a été prévue pour la guerre et je ne nierai pas que deux ou trois mois de discipline martiale ne seraient pas si mauvais pour pas mal de jeunes d’aujourd’hui.
Vengo de un país que no tiene ejército—de hecho, celebramos ayer 59 años sin ejército—y aunque estoy contra la violencia que tener un ejército implica generalmente, tengo que admitir que admiro a las instituciones militares. Después de todo, muchos avances modernos son desafortunadamente el resultado de la investigación que al principio fue pensada para la guerra y no negaré que un par de meses de disciplina marcial no serían tan malos para muchos jóvenes hoy en día.
I come from a country which has no army—as a matter of fact, yesterday we celebrated 59 army-less years—and although I’m against the violence that having an army usually implies, I have to admit that I admire military institutions. After all, many modern advances are unfortunately the result of research which at first was intended for war and I won’t deny that a couple of months of martial discipline wouldn’t be so bad for many of today’s youths.
(Disclaimer: although I’m all for constructive criticism most of the time, this is clearly nothing more than a rant, which by the way, does not even deserve translating.)
Lets start with a dictionary definition of the word seamless:
adjective. perfectly consistent and coherent
Now lets take a look at a quote from the website of a product I decided to work with while writing my book on WPF (highlight mine):
Back in January 2006, when Microsoft was preparing to release the .NET Framework 2.0 and, with it, the Windows Presentation Foundation, countdowns seemed to pop up everywhere:
Dazzling Graphics: Top Ten UI Development Breakthroughs In Windows Presentation Foundation
This is the first in an irregular series of posts where I bring you nice surprises I’ve found while browsing the Internet.
I found today’s surprises in my RSS aggregator just waiting to be shared with the rest of the world*.
Both of today’s surprises come from totally different sources, but they do have one thing in common: innovation. Both concern technology that is not yet available, but that’s totally awesome.
I’m in a plane heading to Seoul right now to participate in the finals of Imagine Cup 2007 and this will be the first of, hopefully, many posts covering the event. A couple of remarks: since I am a contestant and not a journalist, I will not have a lot of time for writing, so for a while all posts will be only in English (the text will be available on all three feeds, though); and since Internet access will apparently be difficult to come by with, I will probably be posting by batches when I get the chance to go online.
An interesting idea by the Imagine Cup team: map the locations of all teams on their way to Seoul this weekend for the Imagine Cup finals.
It would have been even better if they had asked us to actually locate ourselves on the map, because I’m sure nowhere near the south of France right now.
So, idea for next time: a mash-up using plazes and Virtual Earth, now that would have been cool…
I left some IE7 tabs open before I took the plane to Costa Rica and, while closing them today, I stumbled upon Channel 8 again, where a new video is already online. This video, that presents Bill Gates and Craig Mundie talking about Imagine Cup, reminded me that I forgot to make a very important announcement because it happened right when my blog died:
I qualified for the Imagine Cup finals in Korea!
Dejé algunos tabs de IE7 abiertos antes de coger el avión para Costa Rica y, mientras los cerraba hoy, volví a caer en la página de Channel 8, en la que ya se puede ver un nuevo video. Este video, en el cual Bill Gates y Craig Mundie hablan de Imagine Cup, me recordó que se me había olvidado hacer un anuncio muy importante ya que sucedió justo cuando mi blog se murió: