Des chats cultivés
¿Cómo te llamas?
I’m experienced
Egypt Day 1: The most stressful day in my life
The fact that I had to be at the airport at 4 a.m. didn’t really help to set a relaxing mood on my first day of vacation, but in retrospect it now seems so insignificant.
I got to the airport early enough that I wasn’t worried despite the fact that there were a lot of people in the airport. Besides, I was pretty pleased with myself because my luggage was only 15 kg (I was authorized 20 kg and yes, I take comfort in small pleasures).
Il a mangé sa fesse ?!
La télé c’est n’importe quoi, mais aux Pays-Bas ils poussent le vice jusqu’à tomber dans l’absurde.
Je vous rappelle que c’est grâce aux Pays-Bas et leur premier Big Brother à la fin du XXème siècle (j’adore pouvoir dire ça) qu’aujourd’hui il ne se passe pas un jour sans qu’on ait un reality show à la con à la télé.
Apparemment, humilier constamment des gens ça ne suffit plus, donc ils se lancent dans le cannibalisme.
Be nobody but yourself
To be nobody but yourself
in a world that’s doing its
best to make you somebody
else, is to fight the hardest
battle you are ever going to
fight. Never stop fighting. – E.E. Cummings
Play or Eat?
Les prêts étudiants
Une maladie ?
Je vous laisse regarder cette vidéo produite par CollegeHumor qui m’a fait bien rire.
Full disclosure: moi aussi, j’ai contracté une dette étudiante quand j’étais jeune, mais ne vous en faites pas, la variante française de cette “maladie” est souvent bien moins méchante que la variante américaine. Cela a pris du temps, mais je me suis occupé de ma dette et maintenant je suis clean.
I’m Influential!
I’m not a fan of Klout, the Internet’s latest virtual penis ruler in vogue, I find it useless.
Then again, they seem to know pretty interesting stuff about me that I don’t know myself. Case in point, the image above: I’m influential in Washington!
It would seems that I’m also influential about Adobe and France. The latter, I get, the former, I have no idea how they came to that conclusion…
Accessing Windows Azure Diagnostics Logs With LINQPad
If you are using Windows Azure Diagnostics with the DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener you will most likely have a table in your storage account called WADLogsTable with a ton of data in it. It can be a bit overwhelming.
A colleague and I wanted to get two simple pieces of information: an event’s date and the corresponding message. Furthermore, we only wanted events that had happened today. Here’s what we came up with using LINQPad and the Azure Storage Driver.