[audio https://www.tumblr.com/audio_file/madd0/84084357/RcxxGAQ0nkqgxs249gqiWc9c?plead=please-dont-download-this-or-our-lawyers-wont-let-us-host-audio]

Hi, Mom!

Un sketch de 30 secondes qui m’a redonné le sourire aussi ; comme quoi je suis facile à plaire en fin de compte, malgré les apparences ;)

Voici le transcript pour ceux qui ont du mal avec l’anglais à l’oral :

Called my Mom the other day, I was like “Hi, Mom!”, and she said “Son, is that you?” and I was like “Yeah, Mom, it’s me.” And she said, “But you’ve been dead for 15 years!”“ and I was like “Oh, shit! Wrong number…”

Now that’s a very sensitive situation, I know, I know, but I think I handled it properly because then I said “Booooo!” and I hung it up.

EDIT: j’ai oublié la source, Alex Koll. Vous pouvez aller voir le reste sur sa page myspace.